Over 30 Years In Business

Best of Loudoun 2025

11 E Colonial Hwy
Hamilton, VA 20158

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Thursday: 8am to 5pm
Friday: 8am -4pm


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Engine Repair & Tune-Ups

A car’s engine is comprised of hundreds of complex components, which work in tandem ensuring proper functionality. Nonetheless, over time, these components tend to wear out. Engine wear and tear can lead to getting fewer and fewer miles per gallon and eventually complete engine failure. The trained and certified technicians at Progressive Automotive in Hamilton, Virginia, are masters of car engine repairs and tune-ups.

We have plenty of experience in sorting out the common engine issues of today’s high-tech vehicles. Regular engine tune-ups are a significant part of responsible car maintenance. A properly maintained vehicle consumes less fuel and it less likely to break down. Contact us or call 540-338-1857 to schedule a quality tune-up job with our technicians today. Let our auto repair shop put your car’s engine on the right path again.

Licensed & Insured

Jasper Engines & Transmissions
Jasper Engines & Transmissions

Business Info

11 E Colonial Hwy
Hamilton, VA 20158


Payment Methods

We Accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Cash and Check

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